The Woods

The Woods
The Woods

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"just hold him in the hollow of thy hands"

Well today was a very weird, sad, amazing, happy, day. As I woke up this morning I felt okay.... that is until I saw colton. I totally understand the reason for all of this but it is still hard. He is going to change the lives of so many people and I am so excited for him. I wouldn't want it any other way.. When we got to the airport another Elder came up and started talking to colton. they soon found out that they are going to the same mission! They were both so excited to be on the same flight! I was so happy that colton wouldn't have to ride the long airplane ride by himself. As we said Goodbye it really got hard to keep the tears from coming. I am sure the people around us thought we were nuts! When Colton and Elder Huston walked off they both had tears in their eyes and BIG smiles on their faces. I am so proud of my brother. I love him so much and he is one of my best friends. I know that he is going to do amazing things. I am so thankful for this gospel! It has changed my life. In the last month I have gained an even stronger testimony of the gospel and of missionary work! I am so thankful for my heavenly Father and I know that he will be watching over my little brother everyday! The next couple of weeks are going to be hard, but so so so worth it!!

1 comment:

  1. It makes me teary-eyed just seeing all those pictures. I can't believe he's old enough to serve a mission! Life will change a lot over the next two years for both of you, but it will be for the better. I love you!
